The Area 13 Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for working with the Area Committee and GSRs to determine the best use of contributed funds from AA Groups, individual AA members, and AA districts or any other AA service entities, in order to best carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic.
When they meet
Please refer to calendar under the "Events" page for next meeting information
(from the WAGSA Handbook, 6th edition, section 6.4)
Provides fiscal oversight of the area's financial situation.
Assists the Area Treasurer in the maintenance of sound accounting practices.
Drafts the annual Area budget, which is presented to the Assembly for approval.
Advises the Assembly on financial decisions, such as the maintenance of a reasonable prudent reserve.
Encourages self-support for both Area needs and those of G.S.O.
Monitors adherence to budget in consultation with the treasurer.
Communicates discrepancies in budgeted and actual expenditures to the budget and finance committee.
Announces at the August area committee meeting that the budget for the upcoming year will be generated during September and October and that copies will be passed out to all attendees at the October Assembly.
Receives comments during November and December Area Committee meetings and discusses them with the committee.
Presents the proposed budget for approval at the January Assembly.
Membership: The budget and finance committee consists of the committee chairman, the treasurer, and any member of the assembly willing to participate in the budget andfinance process. A background in accounting, finance, or bookkeeping, while helpful, is not a requirement.
The committee meets as necessary, which means that the committee meets frequently (monthly or more) in the fall during the preparation of the budget and then on an occasional basis throughout the year to address specific financial concerns as they arise.