The purpose of the Area 13 website as a public information tool is:
a. To provide accurate and consistent information about Alcoholics Anonymous.
b. To facilitate the communication of A.A. services and activities provided in Washington
Area 13.
c. To encourage participation of members, groups and committees in A.A. services and
activities in Area 13 and the Northeast Region.
d. To provide a link to the Area meeting schedules provided by the Washington Area
Intergroup Association (WAIA) site at, and
e. To provide links to AAWS at and to the AA Grapevine at
f. To provide links and information regarding regional events including Northeast Regional
Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly (NERAASA), Northeast Regional Delegates'
Reunion (NERD) and the Northeast Regional Forum (NERF)
When they meet
Please refer to calendar under the "Events" page for next meeting information
a. To register, establish, maintain, and oversee the website;
b. To determine the content for the website;
c. To report to the Area Committee and Area Assembly; and
d. To operate within the budget established by the Assembly.